07854 044680 (9am-5pm 7 days a week) 01603 927717 (Shop Hours Only) dawnsnewhorizon@yahoo.com

Dawn’s New Horizon supports male and female victims of Domestic Violence, providing a ‘one stop shop’ information and support service over the phone, online and face to face. We service the Broadland district of Norwich and there is always someone available to talk to in the shop.

The support we offer enables, among other things, people to take back control of their lives.

Lorraine met me at short notice, made me feel safe and gave me the strength to carry on. Dawn’s New Horizon was there when I needed them!

Anonymous, Norwich

Donations Currently Needed

If you can help by donating items we currently need we would be hugely grateful. A full list of items needed can be found on our Current Appeal page. Please note that we can only accept donations when the shop is open or via arrangement.

This page provides detailed explanation about why a woman may not be able to leave a difficult relationship.

Domestic violence can affect both men and women. This article details the help and support available to men.

We have provided support to many individuals. Read the testimonials of people in similar situations.

Domestic violence can affect a whole variety of people in different ways. Read about survivors’ experiences, in their own words.

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Contact Us

Dawn's New Horizon
12 Corbet Avenue, Norwich
Mobile: 07854 044680 (9am-5pm)
Shop: 01603 927717 (Shop hours)

Like us on Facebook

Management Committee

Founder/Chief Executive Director: Lorraine Curston
Treasurer: Maureen Clarke

Charity Number



If you would like to make a donation, then please click here for more details

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